The 24h Vertical Challenge is the first official event in Morocco where the principle will be to make the most positive and negative elevation in 24 hours. A return trip to the mountains to do as many times as possible during the 24 hours. 350 D + over 2 km. The 24h solo A single person with a bib does the 24 hours by distributing his round trips as he can. The 24h in relay team for solidarity: The event is open to teams of 2 and 4 participants. Participants will be able to distribute the round trips as they wish during the 24 hours knowing that once they have left, the torchbearer must complete his round trip to pass the baton to one of his teammates. each validated return trip for each team will bring in 10 Dhs for the association Hope for sport and Sustainable development.

Price 580Dhs



Personne à contacter en cas d'urgence :